How to Make Rowan Jelly


How to make Rowan Jelly

The Rowan tree is a gorgeous deciduous tree with soft leaves and creamy-white flowers that blossom every spring. It's masses of bright red berries appear in autumn and make delicious jelly!

The jelly can be enjoyed as part of a breakfast treat, served with lamb, venison, or in a casserole. Whatever way you like it, it's undeniably good and packed with Vitamin C.

Rowan Berry Jelly


1. Put the fruit in a large preserving pan or stock pot (make sure the berries aren't crammed). Barely cover the berries with water. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 20 minutes or until the fruit is soft. Allow to drip through a jelly bag overnight. It is very important not to squeeze the jelly bag to extract more juice as this will make the finished jelly cloudy. The jelly will still be delicious but not look as pretty.

2. Measure the juice and weigh out the correct amount of sugar. Add the juice and sugar to the preserving pan, and simmer over a low heat for 10 minutes until the sugar has dissolved.

3. Increase the heat and boil for 5 minutes, then test for a set.  When the jelly has reached setting point, put it into hot, sterilised jars. All that's left to do is seal and label.

The jelly will keep for a year - that's fantastic! 

Click here to purchase your own Rowan tree gift. 

Rowan tree with tube and card
Rowan tree
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